Sunday, January 31, 2010

Discussion Question: First Chapters

Last month we discussed first lines and for Rush of Wings I'd like to extend that out to first chapters. A first chapter needs to really tell the reader what direction the book will take and the first 12 pages of Rush of Wings really demonstrate all that a first chapter should be. Here are some of the topics I picked up when reading the first chapter:

1. We not only meet Heather, but we are allowed to glimpse her on a personal and professional level. She is dedicated to her job and catching the CCK seems to be her primary focus, but we know she has a conflicted family element as well. She recalls conversations with her father which leads you to wonder about their relationship. She also talks about her sister Annie and the issues she has.
2. Club Hell is briefly mentioned and we also get a peek at Dante and his band Inferno.
3. The anarchy symbol seems to be an important symbol as is the message left at the crime scene.
4. The chapter ends with Heather wondering if SAC Stearns is capable of sabotage.

That's a lot for 12 pages! A few elements struck me as being important to the upcoming story but instead of making each point a separate question I'd like to discuss which of these points grabbed you as being an important idea for the rest of the book? Which of these plot points did you find the most interesting?

Discussion Question: Club Hell and player introductions

Chapter 2 begins with Heather obtaining admission into the seemingly popular and crowded club. In this scene we learn that Von is more than a bouncer, but his role as llygad is unexplained. The reader is also treated to a seductive feeding scene between Dante, Gina and Jay and we glimpse just how popular Dante is with the club crowd. It also becomes evident that Lucien seems to be in charge of things. When Dante interrupts his playtime because he senses that Lucien is troubled it becomes clear that these cast of characters are important in more ways than one.

Club Hell isn't necessarily the main setting for the story but I felt like it was definitely an introduction to Dante's world. Dante, Inferno, Lucien, and the club scene plays out through the entire novel. The wardrobe, music, and friends can be seen as an extension of Dante's personality. He is fiercely loyal to those he cares for and he takes that role very seriously. This is a crowd that is often misrepresented in books and movies but I feel that Adrian Phoenix gave readers an honest view- one that led to an emotional investment in these characters.

What part of the Club Hell chapter did you feel was most important? Did the description of Club Hell tempt you to learn more about the goth crowd? Would you visit Club Hell? I don't know about you but I really want my own bat winged throne!

Discussion Question: Relationships

Rush Of Wings had so many vital connections between characters and each relationship was flawlessly woven into the storyline. I never felt like it was too much, or too confusing to follow. I simply wanted to know more and each question was answered at the appropriate time.

Dante and Heather: Although the attraction seemed to be there from the start it wasn't acted upon until much later- it was a gradual thing. Heather didn't just blindly accept that Dante was Nightkind, nor did she ignore the obvious. She is dedicated to her job with the FBI and badly wants to catch the CCK- she determines that Dante and the CCK have some sort of connection and vows to find the answers. The answer ends up being much more than Heather ever dreamed. Dante despises authority and shuns it every chance he gets. Nobody ever really sided with him, aside from Lucien, and as a result, he has issues with trust and authority. He is also the only known True Blood.

Lucien and Dante: Dante and Lucien share a complicated relationship. It appears that Lucien is a guardian of sorts, almost a father figure, with Dante playing the role of stubborn, rebellious son. Midway through the book it is revealed that Lucien is Dante's father and he has been hiding Dante's song from his kind. Apparently Dante's Fallen abilities are rare and many would want his power. We are left wondering if the Fallen are as dangerous as Lucien says and those questions are left for another book. When the book ends, Dante isn't sure he can forgive Lucien his secrets.

Von, Gina, Jay, Simone, Trey, Silver: These are all Nightkind that are close to Dante. Gina and Jay are killed early on and through them we see the depths of Dante's emotional attachment, and also his despair. He seeks justice for them and also for those that he cannot remember. Von is Llygad, a keeper for Nightkind and that means he should be impartial, but he is also Dante's friend. That friendship drives Von to help and watch out for Dante, no matter the risk. Simone and Trey are brother and sister and they live with Dante. Trey is like a Matrix style vampire and he jacks into the net. Silver also lives in the house.

Which relationship had the most influence in this book? Did Rush satisfy your romantic bent? Did you enjoy the multiple storylines- the growing attraction between Heather and Dante, the Bad Seed project, Etienne and revenge, Lucien's startling revelations, Dante's memories?

Discussion Question: Bad Seed, Revenge and Evil

Some of the characters in Rush were not the nice kind by any stretch of the imagination. Some characters were so obviously evil while others were simply flawed by their beliefs. I didn't expect the many twists and turns in the storyline and was so surprised by the chain of events- many things I absolutely did not see coming!

Bad Seed Brothers: Elroy Jordan (aka Elroy the Perv aka The CCK aka E) is the killer that Heather seeks but he is also so much more. Part of a secret government project that created sociopaths, he is vicious and disturbed, and has ties to Dante that nobody can anticipate. He is recruited by Ronin to catch Dante's attention which is why his usual MO changed from previous murders. He kidnaps Dante and reveals to him very painful parts of the past, along with a healthy dose of torture. He is also the one responsible for Gina's death.

Etienne and Ronin: Ronin is Nightkind, only he doesn't hang with Dante's group. He is involved with Johanna and also Elroy. He wants Dante to wake up and will stop at nothing to achieve his goal. Etienne, also Nightkind, believes that Dante killed his family and he wants revenge. He brings the message that the Council is investigating and then threatens Dante. He is later approached by Ronin and they team up (using Jay as bait) to try and harm Dante.

Johanna: Johanna is the mother of all evil and Bad Seed is her pet project. She uses her position within the FBI to hide her work and takes pills to help her resist Sleep. Dante has no memories of her, but she is the reason for what he has done. She is responsible for his painful past. Eventually her involvement is discovered and she is 'unmade' by Dante.

Was the storyline about Bad Seed confusing to follow? Did you like the tension and intrique? What are your thoughts on these characters? How did you feel about the resolution of that aspect of the story?

Discussion Question: Vampire Mythology

Vampire mythology varies from book to book as authors create their own unique world. In Rush of Wings, Adrian Phoenix calls her vamps Nightkind and they all possess a basic skill set. Dante is a little different from the others because he does not remember his past and when he tries too hard to bring the memories back he gets migraines. He also has a few unusual skills that come from his Fallen heritage, but that aspect isn't covered until later in the book.

Mind to mind communication is used throughout the novel as a way for Nightkind to connect, discuss, and problem solve. Dante, Von, Lucien, Simone and all the other Nightkind can use this to 'speak' even over great distances, as if their minds are connected with an invisible cord, and they all have shields to keep others out, and hide, if necessary. Dante and Lucien seem to do this the most as a way to protect each other, but Dante doesn't always understand Lucien's reasoning for shielding and hiding.

Other Nightkind talents are the ability to 'move' quicker than the eye can process and they can heal a great deal of damage to themselves in a short amount of time. They feed in the traditional sense, meaning straight from the vein, and they need Sleep during the day. In a couple scenes Dante is awake during the daylight hours but his strength and focus is greatly reduced.

I liked the depth of these abilities and found them to be consistent throughout the book. Dante tweaks these rules but that is part of being Fallen as well as Nightkind. I also appreciated that the mythology wasn't laid out in one quick chapter and we had to follow the story and learn as we went. Did you like learning all the vampire mythology for this book? What ability would you want? Were you intriqued by the Nightkind and Dante? Did you want to know more about the Fallen aspect of his nature?

Thursday, January 28, 2010


This is just a friendly reminder that we will be meeting here at Bite Club on February 1st and 2nd to discuss Rush Of Wings by Adrian Phoenix! The rules and requirements are much the same as last month. I will post several discussion questions for everyone and I will also have a post where you can ask the author questions. This month the author has agreed to stop by and chat so you don't want to miss it! See you there.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

sneak peek discussion ideas

I'm not quite done with my discussion ideas but I wanted to give a preview for those that are still reading the book, or for those that want to go back and skim the highpoints. I mentioned the importance of the first chapter and I definitely want to have a question dealing with one subject mentioned in chapter 1...Club Hell. Dante, Inferno, Lucien, and the club scene plays out through the entire novel. The wardrobe, music, and friends can be seen as an extension of Dante's personality. He is fiercely loyal to those he cares for and he takes that role very seriously. This is a crowd that is often misrepresented in books and movies but I feel that Adrian Phoenix gave readers an honest view- one that led to an emotional investment in these characters. In our discussion I'd like to further examine Club Hell and Dante.

Another discussion topic that will be further explored is relationships. Rush Of Wings had so many vital connections between characters, including Dante and Lucien, Dante and Von, Heather and her family, the Bad Seed 'brothers', and Heather and her FBI job. All of this will be part of a post titled Character Relationships.

And of course, the chat day would not be complete if we didn't have a post for the vampire mythology!

I look forward to chat days so we can explore all these subjects and more! Don't forget that if you have any book questions for Adrian, email me at, and I will put them together in a post for her to answer on chat days!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Q&A with Adrian Phoenix

The Craft

BC: What is your writing process like? Do you keep organized notes? Do you designate a set time for writing each day?

AP: As far as a set times goes, since I still have a full time day job, I have to write in the evenings when I get home and on the weekends, holidays, vacations, etc. LOL. I like to start my writing time with a cup of coffee, music playing (NIN, for starters, usually) and everything nice and neat on my desk. I do keep notes as I go, but a lot of the writing is in my head. I sit down and think over the scenes I want to write that evening and go.

BC: Do you have music that you listen to for inspiration?

AP: Yes, definitely on the music! It provides an emotional soundscape for the stories and the characters. What I listen ranges from NIN to movie soundtracks such as The Last Samurai, all three Pirates of the Caribbean movies, Batman Begins, Last of the Mohicans, etc. Some of the songs that had strong resonance during the creative process are from: Nine Inch Nails - all albums, but The Downward Spiral, Broken, March of the Pigs, Closer, and The Fragile, in particular. I also listened to Mutter by Rammstein, the soundtrack to The Matrix, Chevelle (first two albums), Stabbing Westward, Queens of the Stone Age.

BC: How do you celebrate finishing a book?

AP: My sprawling in a stupor on the sofa. LOL. Usually I try to go out for dinner with friends. I also collect little Goth dolls and I buy one whenever I finish a book.

BC: Why did you choose the vampire as a character for your book?

AP: I don't know if I so much *chose* to have a vampire as a character in my book as it was a case of I was writing about Dante and he happened to be a vampire. Meaning, I wasn't trying to write a vampire story, but Dante's story.

BC: What is easier to write- the hero, the heroine, or the villain?

AP: Oh, they're all fun to write! A villain can be a blast, because you can just let it all hang out. Go to those dark and violent places and enjoy it (through the bad guy), you don't need to worry about right or wrong or any moral complications, just the bad guy's happy little goal. LOL. But writing the hero and heroine is just as fine because you explore the lines they won't cross, *can't* cross and what happens if they are forced to cross one of those lines. Plus you get to really look at the nature of love, sacrifice, friendship, duty, and redemption.

BC: Favorite character that you have written?

AP: I love all of the characters in The Maker's Song series, but I think Dante is my favorite. Please don't tell the others. LOL.

BC: What vampire mythology do you use in your writing?

AP: My own, I believe. (Which readers will learn about as they explore A Rush of Wings,)

General Vampire Questions

BC: Looking back in history, who is the one person you'd expect to find out was really a vampire? Why?

AP: Great question! Jesus Christ, because of the blood thing and the whole leaving the tomb, looking radiant and healthy, then disappearing thing. I kid. (A little.) I thin Rasputin would be a good choice. He had a hypnotic effect on most people, but he also had an extremely sexual allure (which I can't understand just by looking at old photos of the man), but if he had been vampire - it would make perfect sense. He fed off the royal family, more or less, and look at the difficulty his assassins had in killing him!

BC: What would you want to say if you met a real vampire?

AP: Holy crap! That would be the first thing I'd say. Then, if they weren't trying to kill me or anything, I'd want to sit and chat for a while. Are they happy to be a vampire? Unhappy? Brooding? Did we have the right ideas about what being a vampire really entailed? They'd probably snack on me just to get me to shut up.

BC: If vampires existed should they stay hidden, or reveal themselves?

AP: I think they'd be better off if they remained hidden, otherwise they'd be opening themselves up to mass slaughter.

BC: Would you make a good vampire?

AP: Well, I like the night and I'd like to live forever, but drinking blood and maybe even killing . . . sigh . . . no, I'm not good vampire material.

Speed Round

Vampires- fangs or no fangs?

AP: Fangs, hell, yes!

Blood- fresh, bottled, or synthetic?

AP: Blood needs to be fresh - for the life force it contains.

Romance or Horror?

AP: Both? Can I have both?

One thing readers would be surprised to know about you?

AP: That I once sold vacuum cleaners door to door. That surprises even me. Did I enjoy it? *hysterical laughter*

Favorite vampire book? Movie?

AP: My favorite vampire movie is Interview With the Vampire and my favorite vampire book is Lord of the Dead by Tom Holland about Lord Byron as a vampire.

Big thanks go out to Adrian for taking the time to answer some questions for the readers at Bite Club. Don't forget to stop by on February 1st and 2nd for the Rush of Wings chat days!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Saturday Shout Out

I know that I have been spotty with posts the last few weeks but sometimes life catches up with you and you have to take a break. Well, I'd like to get back on track so I'm posting the Saturday Shout Out. This is a chance for everyone to post about favorite books, recent reads, eye popping movies... you name it, now is the time to talk about it.

This is also my opportunity to give updates and news. I'm working on a new format for the Bite Club that includes a regular schedule of weekly postings. Since the blog is designed to be a monthly book club it can sometimes be difficult to fill in the gaps. I'm keeping the author Q&A (be sure to check back on Monday for Adrian Phoenix), the author spotlight (to continue to showcase our monthly author), and the sneak peak for discussion questions (this will now be a weekly occurrence).

I'm also tossing around the idea of having side reads that we informally talk about. This gives us a chance to talk about new release titles, favorite authors, and all the fabulous vampire books that we love. Another new feature that I'm working on is a Casting Call where we cast our favorite vampire book characters with celebrities and people we know. Other ideas are still forming, brewing and stewing in my head, just finalizing details and will announce when they've finished cooking.

A huge Thank You goes out to all that commented on the Decoding the Book Review post. Your thoughts helped cement what I was already thinking and my next review will be much easier to write because of your help. Thanks!!!

So what are you reading? Seen any old or new vamp flicks lately? Found a new author that we all just need to check out? Have any great ideas for what you'd like to see as part of our weekly posts? Just want to rant? Cool. I want to hear it all.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Decoding the book review

I have a question about book reviews. As a reader, I rarely choose a book without knowing something about it, at least when I'm trying a new author. Now if the author is known to me, and I enjoy their books, then I will usually buy whatever new release is out there. One of the ways that I 'filter' new authors is to read blogger book reviews. I do this because a blogger typically has genre specific knowledge- All Things Urban Fantasy focuses on urban fantasy, SciFiGuy deals with UF, paranormal romance and SF&F, VampChix is all vamps. You get what I'm saying, right? I'm trusting that their interests might be similar to mine which means that I can trust the reviews to steer me in the right direction reading-wise.

As some of you may know, I occasionally do book reviews over at VampChix. This leads me to today's question:

What sort of book review do you prefer to read? Do you enjoy it when a reviewer absolutely trashes a book? Do you want your reviews to be bluntly honest, good or bad? Or would you prefer a sugar-coated review?

I'm also curious to see what format for reviews you prefer. What is your ideal book review like?

Monday, January 18, 2010

Preview of discussion questions

A few readers have asked that discussion ideas be posted in advance of the chat days. My only hesitation has been with spoilers because I don't want to ruin the book for anyone. So my thinking is that I can post the general ideas for discussion, without all the details, and readers will have the basics while they read. I'll try to post a few different discussion ideas about halfway through the allotted read time, maybe over the course of a few days, giving everyone a sneak peak before chat days begin and avoiding as many spoilers as I can.

*Just remember, these are just a rough idea and we still have to wait until chat day to fully discuss!

Discussion idea #1:

Last month we discussed first lines and for Rush of Wings I'd like to extend that out to first chapters. A first chapter needs to really tell the reader what direction the book will take and the first 12 pages of Rush of Wings really demonstrate all that a first chapter should be. A few elements struck me as being important to the upcoming story and I will probably turn many of these points into various discussion ideas for chat day.

1. We not only meet Heather, but we are allowed to glimpse her on a personal and professional level. She is dedicated to her job and catching the CCK seems to be her primary focus, but we know she has a conflicted family element as well. She recalls conversations with her father which leads you to wonder about their relationship. She also talks about her sister Annie and the issues she has.
2. Club Hell is briefly mentioned and we also get a peek at Dante and his band Inferno.
3. The anarchy symbol seems to be an important symbol as is the message left at the crime scene.
4. The chapter ends with Heather wondering if SAC Stearns is capable of sabotage.

That's a lot for 12 pages! On chat day we can discuss all of these ideas and more, including how important first chapters can be.

My question for today is this: Do you think you will enjoy having discussion questions early? Does that help you read for the book club format?

Apologies for being absent

I want to apologize for being absent the last few days and not having anything book related to post, but I've been rather sick. Blogging was put on the back burner so I could catch some extra sleep. What I did have scheduled seems to have been eaten by the hungry and greedy gremlins at blogger. So...I'm going to spend the day today creating and organizing. Good news: Readers asked for a sneak peek at discussion questions so I'll have those up this week- not all, but some, because spoilers aren't fun for anyone. The upside to being sick is that you get a lot of time to read:)

So, what did you read last week? Any good books?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Your chance to ask the questions

Each month I generate a few discussion topics for our chosen book along with a post containing questions for the author. Well starting this month I'd like to do that a little bit differently and give you the chance to ask questions in advance. I'll still post our discussion ideas but this time the author questions will all come from you!

Here's how it works:
Just email me at with your author questions and I will put them all together in a post for chat day. Try to have all questions submitted by January 30th so I have time to get everything scheduled. Check back in on discussion day to read Adrian's response. And random book questions can still be asked in the comments on chat day like normal.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Contest Winners...

I've consulted the magic fishbowl and the 2 lucky winners are...

* Patti
* Amanda Makepeace

Please contact me at with your mailing address so I can get these books out to you. I promise to be much more efficient with shipping than last month:) All winners have 72 hours to get in touch or I will redraw names. Thanks and Congrats!!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Author Spotlight: Adrian Phoenix

**I apologize in advance for posting this early but I wanted to include her upcoming blog appearances. All other dates for this month remain the same. Thanks so much- Anna

Adrian Phoenix is the extremely talented author the The Maker's Song series, which introduced us to Dante, Heather, the Fallen, and Nightkind. Rush of Wings is the first in this series and our January selection, followed by In the Blood, and the latest release, Beneath the Skin, is on store shelves now.

Want to ask the author a question? Want to know more about the series? Are you dying to know more about Dante and Inferno? Adrian has several appearances scheduled this month. On Monday 11th, find her at VampChix (she'll be giving away a book!).  She'll be at January 11th-15th for discussion and over at Patricia's Vampire Notes on January 12th for an interview and giveaway. And let's not forget that she'll be here at Bite Club on February 1st and 2nd for discussion about Rush of Wings!

You can always find more information on her website. She's also available on Twitter, Myspace, Facebook and Goodreads.

And in June be sure to watch for Black Dust Mambo, the first in an exciting new series!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Today is the day you've all been waiting's contest day!! Our January featured book is Rush of Wings and Adrian Phoenix has donated signed copies of each of the books in the Maker's Song series. So I am going to give 3 books each (Rush of Wings, In the Blood, Beneath the Skin) to 2 lucky winners! How cool is that? All you need to do is leave a comment telling me what you would name a vampire band. Let's have some fun with this!

Contest rules:
*Leave a comment telling me what you would name a vampire band
*The contest runs from January 8th to January 11th
*Winners will be chosen at random and announced on January 12th
*Contest only open to U.S. residents (sorry but shipping can be quite costly)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

And the next book is...

I'm so excited to formally announce our next Bite Club selection, so without further ado...

Rush of Wings by Adrian Phoenix

Important days to remember:
* Contest for signed books January 8-11 (I have 2 sets of books to give away)
* Author spotlight January 18
* Q&A interview with Adrian Phoenix January 25
* Chat days February 1-2

Monday, January 4, 2010

Final thoughts for Once Bitten

We've discussed our favorite characters and debated the line between mystery and romance, so now I'd like to open up the floor for any final thoughts on Once Bitten.

Best location in San Fransisco? I rather enjoyed all the details provided for each location, especially the mention of the ship Eric sailed on back in the 1800's, The Balclutha. I also liked the first date scene from Moss Beach. I'd like to be sitting on a porch swing, relaxing and enjoying a quiet beach.

What about you? Have any favorite scenes? Worthy quotes? Final comments? The floor is all yours!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Welcome to Bite Club! Today we are discussing Once Bitten by Clare Willis.

Here's how it works:

I have scheduled several posts with discussion topics and I will schedule a couple more for tomorrow as well. One new thing we are trying this month is that instead of me creating all the questions for the author I have made a place for you to ask questions about the book. Just put them in the comment section of the post titled 'Questions for the Author'. Clare will be stopping in throughout the day so...ask away and have fun!


The Use of Vampire Myth

Every author uses the mythology in a different way and we could debate the usage for many posts. We'll suffice it to say that each book is unique. One aspect that I found most relevant to this story was the use of a vampire's scent. During their initial meeting (pages 19-22) Eric emits an individual scent that seems to almost call to Angie. She is "lured" into ignoring the warning bells in her mind about what Eric is doing to her. Later she questions herself about her behavior and wonders if she was slipped some sort of drug. Each time they are together Angie notices Eric's scent.

Another "behavioral" quirk that Angie Notices about Eric is that he almost seems to read her mind. She often wonders if she is saying her private thoughts aloud. Eric doesn't use these things to harm her in any way and he doesn't seem like a vile vampire either. Both of these traits could easily be used for nefarious purposes and so it was nice to see them used for a nice vampire.

What is your favorite myth used in Once Bitten? Would it bother you if your boyfriend could read your thoughts or cloud your judgment? Do some myths fit better with good vampires or villains?

First Lines

First lines are more than just important. They are vital to the overall success of the book because that one little line is responsible for drawing the reader into the story and hopefully, enticing the reader to keep turning the page. The first line in Once Bitten was: I met my vampire lover on Wednesday. As first lines go, I really liked it. The tone was casual and direct. I wanted to know the circumstances that led up to the introduction between characters.

What draws you into a book? Does the first line have a big impact on you as a reader? What tone did you derive from the first line in Once Bitten? Was that tone consistent with the rest of the book?

Questions for the Author

This post is for all the readers that want to ask Clare a question about Once Bitten. Usually I come up with a few questions for the author but this month I'd like to try something a little bit different. It's really easy: Just post a question in the comments for Clare to answer. Voila!

Here are my questions:

1. Once Bitten contained more than a few pages that dealt with the goth scene- House of Usher, Macabre Factor, the private ceremony etc. The Goth world is often used in vampire fiction and it is always interesting to read how authors choose to use it. I'd like to know how much, and what sort of research went into those portion of the book? How did you decide on the design aspects and names for House of Usher?

2. How do you decide on names for your characters? Do any of the characters represent people you know in real life?

Now it's your turn!

Cast of Characters

Once Bitten had a pretty lengthy and entertaining cast of characters. I kept getting the Clue vibe every time I met a new person. First we meet Angie, our main character, who seems to be an ordinary woman working in an ordinary job. She has a sharp mind but mostly keeps her thoughts to herself. Angie is employed at the ad agency and her boss is the demanding Lucy Weston. Lucy has been missing for a few days and everyone at the company is scrambling to pick up the slack and maybe advance their individual career status. Lucy's body is eventually discovered by Angie and a fellow co-worker Les Banks, at her upscale home. It is then discovered that Les was Lucy's secret lover and he becomes the primary suspect.

We also meet Kimberley Bennett, Angie's room mate and fellow ad assistant. She scoops Angie on several jobs using underhanded measures that nobody could prove, and appears to be the opposite of Angie in every way. Kimberley is a cool, but ruthless, beauty that comes from a very privileged background. Another co-worker is Steve, the all around good guy. Steve helps both Angie and Les at various points throughout the book.

When Angie is placed on the Macabre Factor account she meets the owners, Suleiman and Moravia. They invite her to House of Usher, a goth club, to learn more about their 'world'. It is there that she meets Eric Taylor. Eric is the vampire she eventually falls in love with. Eric is a lovely and seemingly old-fashioned guy, not forceful at all, and she enjoys the amount of attention he gives.

These are just a handful of the characters in Once Bitten. Who were some of your favorites, least favorites, and why? Was it confusing to have so many people to keep track of?

Romance versus Mystery

Once Bitten was marketed as a paranormal romance, but I definitely think it should have been labeled with the paranormal/romance/mystery. Do they even have such a category? The romance seemed almost secondary with the mystery of who killed Lucy taking center stage. I found myself questioning the behavior of every character very early on in the book, which made it a real whodunit for me. I enjoyed keeping that mental list of suspects and formulating plausible motives.

Angie spends a great deal of time mentally questioning Eric and the 'vamps' at The House of Usher while searching for the killer. She never really believed he was capable of doing something so terrible, but the thought was always niggling at the back of her mind. All the while she knew she was falling for him and she wasn't sure how to react to that. It wasn't until the end of the book, when Eric was in danger, that Angie realized that he may be a vampire but he wasn't a killer.

What caught your attention most? Did the mystery detract or enhance the romance? Did you figure out the identity of the killer before the big reveal?