Thursday, November 19, 2009

The holidays are near...

Since Thanksgiving is a holiday focused on food and family, what would a vampire do? Would they celebrate? What are they thankful for aside from a plentiful food source and various blood types to choose from? How does the possibility of immortality play into that? Would a vampire be grateful for their long existence?

Many of the vampires we love to read about have human lovers or soul mates that may use the holiday as a way to stay in touch with family and friends for as long as possible. Humans may be willing to sacrifice all for love but I don't imagine ingrained human behaviors disappear overnight. Aside from the usual holiday trappings, Thanksgiving is a holiday for reflection and giving back, being thankful for the blessings in your life.

So do vamps cook turkeys? Work in the soup kitchen? Or ignore the holiday entirely and carry on like it's just another day?


Ida Brugler said...

I would say it depends on what type of Vamp they are. Just like humans there are many different kinds good and bad. I highly doubt that you will find a rouge vamp in a soup kitchen, but one that interacts with humans on a more civilized basis would definitely be helping in one way or the other. And they would be very good cooks. Immortality is on their side, Honestly what haven’t they done to kill time?

Cyd said...

I think most vampires (if they have donors) would gather like in Jeri Smith Ready WVMP series on T-Day, the Vampire DJs gather there favorite donors for a feast followed by a feast.

Anonymous said...

I picture Thanksgiving for vampires as something out of the Love at Stake world from Kerrelyn Sparks. All her vampires have a really good relationship with the humans in their world, at least the ones at Romatech. So I picture the vamps throwing a huge feast and celebration, being grateful for the invention of synthetic blood. Just a day to have some fun and be happy.

For those that still prefer eating from the source...well, I say they still have some sort of gathering. Maybe they have a human mate to celebrate with. Or maybe the guys get together and watch football while the girls have a spa day. Some might take the time to visit a shelter. Who knows? But I do think that vamps acknowledge the holiday in some way.