Wanna win some books?
In celebration of the upcoming release for Killing Rites, book 4 in The Black Sun's Daughter series, and thanks to the generous folks over at Pocket Books, I have a full set, 4 books total, for giveaway!! You heard that right, one lucky winner will get the complete set. I just started this series, about halfway done, and I'm seriously wondering how this fantastic urban fantasy series was overlooked for so long.
Want a chance to win this series? Leave me a comment about the series (or single title) that you've been wishing to read but haven't had time for. Me, I have the entire Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews on my shelf and it drives me bonkers that I don't have time to curl up and read until my eyes bleed. I know they'll be great too!
Pesky rules:
*Contest will run for one week and I will draw a winner from the magic hat on Black Friday.
*U.S. only
*Must leave an email if one isn't easily located in your profile.
Good Luck!!!!

I want to read Blackveil by Kristen Britain. I have it on my TBR shelf but I'm trying to catch up on library books first.
sgiden at verizon.net
I want to read The Fallen Angel Series by JR Ward...but just haven't made time :( but I will now! Thx for the contest!
I've been wanting to read anything ny J R Ward! tWarner419@aol.com
I have yet to read about Cat and Bones. I do have the first book in the series, I just got to pick it up. Love that they are giving away all four books. Thanks for the giveaway!
I have been wanting to read Divergent by Veronica Roth and Enclave by Ann Aguirre. Thanks for the great giveaway.
Would LOVE to win this :)
robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com
I've been trying to get to Rachel Caine's Weather Warden series, I've been collecting them but haven't read any yet.
From everything I've seen, this sounds like a great series and it would be awesome to get all four books at once.
Barbed1951 at aol dot com
I would love a chance to read these books.
I haven't read this series yet but it sounds really good. I am putting it on my tbr list for sure. Thanks for the giveaway!
Man, there are tons of books I want to read! I'm behind on Cat & Bones, I've got Hexed, Hounded and Hammered all sitting on my TBR shelf-can't wait to read those I've heard so many good things about Atticus. I want to finish the rest of the Mortal Instruments. I want to check out the Hunger Games before the movie drops. So many books, so little time. Thanks for the giveaway!
mljfoland AT hotmail DOT com
I have the first 2 books, but haven't yet started Diana Pharoah Francis's Horngate Witches series.
i dont know how i missed this series, would love to read
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