Vickie, who commented:
I love Supernatural, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, starting to dig on Grimm. I like Sanctuary, love Eureka, Warehouse 13, Haven, and Alphas.
Congrats! Please email me with your mailing information so that I may forward it along to the publisher.
**Also, I am still waiting to hear from the Blood Eternal winner. ML, if your out there, please email me with your mailing information! If I don't hear from you soon another name will be chosen.

Congratulations, Vickie! Those shows are my faves, too!
Karin Shah
BLOOD AND KISSES available now!
THANK YOU! Just sent the email with my information. Very excited! Now off to look up Karin Shah....
Sorry for the delay! I sent an email. Many thanks!
I received my book a few days ago. Thank you!!
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