Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Author Spotlight: Carole Nelson Douglas

Carole Nelson Douglas, author of the popular Midnight Louie series, has written over 40 novels since becoming a full time writer. Her books have won many awards, in part, because of Carole's ability to highlight contemporary and psychological issues while blending them in with elements of mystery and fantasy. Since 1996, the Midnight Louie Adopt-a-Cat tours have combined book signings with cat adoptions. For those looking for a more paranormal theme, her next Delilah Street novel, Vampire Sunrise, comes out in November 2009. You can find more information about Midnight Louie and Carole by visiting her website.

Carole Nelson Douglas will also be a guest at VampChix on Nov 9th.


Unknown said...

Hi Anna :)
Thank you for the update post!
All the best,

susan said...

What a great idea. Thanks for sharing this news. susan L.