Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Men of Sookieverse

Hello Bite Clubbers / True Blooders! We here at Bite Club thought it would be a great idea to provide you with a True Blood special feature showcasing the old, new and gone but not forgotten men of Sookie’s world. Think of it as a little stat sheet you can keep in your desk to help get you through the week. Sit back and enjoy the lovely view.

The Vets

Eric Northman (portrayed by Alexander Skarsgard)
Age: Over 1,000 years old
Species: Vampire
Occupation: Former Viking warrior, owner of Fangtasia, and Sheriff of Area 5

Alex’s future projects: Straw Dogs (September 16, 2011) and Battleship (May 18, 2012)

Bill Compton (portrayed by Stephen Moyer)
Age: 174 years old
Species: Vampire
Occupation: Unknown (Anyone have any idea what he does?)

Stephen’s future projects: The Caller (Fall 2010), Priest (March 4, 2011) and The Double (2011)

Sam Merlotte (portrayed by Sam Trammell)
Age: Late 20’s or early 30’s
Species: Shapeshifter
Occupation: Owner of Merlotte’s

Sam’s future projects: The Details (Fall 2010)

Jason Stackhouse (portrayed by Ryan Kwanten)
Age: 28
Species: Human
Occupation: Road crew member for the Raynard Parish Public Works Department

Ryan’s future projects: Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole (September 24, 2010)

Lafayette Reynolds (portrayed by Nelsan Ellis)
Age: Mid to late 20's
Species: Human
Occupation: Short order cook at Merlotte’s, part-time V dealer and website owner

Nelsan’s future projects: Secretariat (October 8, 2010)

Andy Bellefleur (portrayed by Chris Bauer)
Age: Late 30’s
Species: Human
Occupation: Detective for the Bon Temps police department

Chris’ future projects: The Conspirator (Fall 2010)

Terry Bellefleur (portrayed by Todd Lowe)
Age: Late 30’s or early 40’s
Species: Human
Occupation: Iraq war veteran turned part-time cook at Merlotte’s

Todd’s future projects: Unknown

Bud Dearborne (portrayed by William Sanderson)
Age: 50’s
Species: Human
Occupation: Sherriff of the Bon Temps police department

William’s future projects: Unknown

Hoyt Fortenberry (portrayed by Jim Parrack)
Age: Late 20’s
Species: Human
Occupation: Road crew member for the Raynard Parish Public Works Department

Jim’s future projects: Battle: Los Angeles (March 11, 2011)

New Kids on the Block

Alcide Herveaux (portrayed by Joe Manganiello)
Age: Late 20’s or early 30’s
Species: Werewolf
Occupation: In the books he’s a survey company owner but, since he hasn’t appeared on the show yet, I’m not 100% sure if they decided to stay with that back story

Joe’s future projects: Unknown

Cooter aka Coot (portrayed by Grant Bowler)
Age: Late 30’s or early 40’s
Species: Werewolf
Occupation: Leader of a biker gang

Grant’s future projects: The City of Gardens (2010) and Atlas Shrugged (2011)

Tommy Mickens (portrayed by Marshall Allman)
Age: Early 20’s
Species: Possible shapeshifter
Occupation: Employee at what appears to be an auto shop

Marshall’s future projects: Unknown

Jesus Velasquez (potrayed by Kevin Alejandro)
Age: Late 20’s
Species: As far as I know he’s human
Occupation: Orderly at nursing home where Lafayette’s mother resides and potential love interest for Lafayette

Kevin’s future projects: The Legend of Hell’s Gate: An American Conspiracy (2010)

Russell Edgington (potrayed by Denis O’Hare)
Age: Approximately 2700 years old
Species: Vampire
Occupation: King of Mississippi

Denis’ future projects: The Eagle of the Ninth (February 25, 2011)

Talbot (portrayed by Theo Alexander)
Age: Approximately 700 years old
Species: Vampire
Occupation: Russell Edgington’s husband

Theo’s future projects: Losing Control (2010)

Franklin Mott (portrayed by James Frain)
Age: Unknown
Species: Vampire
Occupation: Unknown

James’ future projects: Tron: Legacy (December 17, 2010) and Water for Elephants (2011)

In Memoriam

Godric (portrayed by Allan Hyde)
Age: 2000 years old
Species: Vampire
Occupation: Former Sheriff of Area 5

Allan’s future projects: Unknown

Benedict ‘Eggs’ Talley (potrayed by Mehcad Brooks)
Age: Mid to late 20’s
Species: Human
Occupation: Member of Maryanne’s entourage

Mehcad’s future projects: Fencewalker (Release date TBA)

Rene Lenier aka Drew Marshall (portrayed by Michael Raymond-James)
Age: Late 20’s
Species: Human
Occupation: Road crew member for the Raynard Parish Public Works Department and serial killer

Michael’s future projects: Unknown

Rest in peace gentlemen. Although you weren't with us long, you will be missed.

Hope this was as fun to read as it was to research.
Drop us a comment and let us know who your favorites are.


Lexie said...

1) Sam announced his age in this past sunday's episode. he's 34 :)

2) Let's add to Eric's 'occupations' by saying "Professional Badass". Actually we can add that to Lafayette's too XD

far as I remember they never mentioned a job for Bill. In the books he dabbles in investment and owning businesses and stuff, but he's been too busy saving Sookie's life and being attacked to run a business (he's just not as multi-talented as Eric...)

LSUReader said...

It's been a while since I read the early books, but I believe as a human Bill was a farmer, then a Civil War soldier. As a vamp, he is a landowner (there is mention of him owning a shopping center or two) and he developed and sells a computer program that keeps track of vampires.

Jen D. @ Not Now...I'm Reading! said...

@Lexie: With as many times as I replayed the episode you'd think I would've caught that...lol. And I'll agree that Bill seems to pale in comparison to Eric. Professional Badass has a nice ring to it. ;-)

@LSUReader: I vaguely remembered what he did in the books but I wasn't sure if they'd kept that back story in the show. It kinda seems like he just hangs around all night.

Lexie said...

@Jen: lol oh I've seen it twice now and I have at least two more times to watch it (::sigh:: so many different folk want to watch it with me but no one wants to do it together!. Not that I'm complaining, more Eric time!), but it didn't dawn on me until you mentioned his age range.

heh all tv!Bill does is hang around, brooding or saying 'Sookie' or threatening folk. Oh and harshly judging Jessica. Maybe they figured it was a storyline too far to get into how he gets his money and spends his time outside of Sookie? Though I was looking forward to Sookie's comment about Bill owning a lingerie store just 'cause he keeps shredding her undergarments XD If I remember nothing else of the books I remember that random thought from the second book.

Jen D. @ Not Now...I'm Reading! said...

@Lexie: Same here! After the whole rewinding and fast fowarding on Sunday, my sister and her boyfriend wanted to watch it on Monday because they missed it. I'm surprised I didn't catch my self trying to say the lines out loud.

ROFL....I loved it when she said 'Sookie'. Damn near peed my pants. The lingerie store is one of those details I completely forgot. Seeing how it's HBO and all I'm surprised they didn't take advantage of that angle.

Anonymous said...

I wanted to add 2 guys to the Sookieverse that I hope will be incorporated into the show: Claude and Quinn!

I have no idea who could possibly play Claude because he is too beautiful for words! And Quinn, well, he was just 100% totally hot badass. I was secretly sad that Sookie and Quinn didn't work out.

Who else are you hoping gets brought over from the books? Who would you cast?

Great post Jen! So many lovely pictures to admire:)

Jen D. @ Not Now...I'm Reading! said...

Thanks Anna! I had way too much fun working on it.

I think if the show continues to do well they'll eventually bring in Claude and Quinn. What better way to attract more female viewers than to bring on more gorgeous men, right?

I had suggested Vin Diesel to my sister for the role of Quinn but, she shot me down. She thought he was too ethnic for the part. And Claude....geez...I can't think of anyone off the top of my head that's good looking enough. How about some unknown, super hot male model?

Michele Hauf said...

Wow, I never realized how many hot men were on this show. And now I'm really bummed that I don't get cable! But I'll take the werewolf Cooter. He looks soft and cuddly, and very cute. :-)

Liz @ Cleverly Inked said...

I love love love Bill's character. I have No idea why. Even in the book...when everyone else was hating on him. LOL

If I remember correctly Bill ended up getting an "official" (in the book) working for the queen. I am not talking about the computer tracking of vamps either. He did it so Eric couldn't boss him anymore.

Vickie said...

I miss longhair Eric, but I'll take Eric anyway I can get him.

I am really looking forward to Alcide entrance this season. Also looking forward to seeing Quinn and Claude in the future. Oh please oh please....

Jen D. @ Not Now...I'm Reading! said...

@Michelle: Neither did I until I started working on this post. But, I'm definitely not complaining. ;) Cooter has a set of the most amazing blue eyes I've ever seen!

@Cleverly Inked: He was my favorite up until the whole double cross thing. I'm hoping Charlaine makes him do something to redeem himself. You're right...he does find some sort of loophole so he doesn't have to report to Eric. I'd forgotten about that. I think it may be time for a re-read.

@Vickie: I don't mind the short hair but, like you, I prefer the long hair better. It adds a nice touch to the whole Viking thing. LOL...I'm crossing my fingers for Claude and Quinn too. Who would you cast for their parts?

Serena DeNardo said...

WOW! Holy hell fantastic job!!! THANK YOU.

Also, thank gawd Eggs is gone. WOrst name for a character EVER. Just hearing Tara crcy over "Eggs" annoys me.

Jen D. @ Not Now...I'm Reading! said...

@Serena: Thanks and thank you for stopping by! LOL...I thought he was kind of hot but, I agree...Eggs is a horrific nickname.

Jessi A. said...

What about Claude? In the one for women, you put Claudine... Do they not know who's playing him yet?

Jen D. @ Not Now...I'm Reading! said...

@Jessi A.: Unfortunately, there hasn't been any mention of Claude yet. I haven't seen any casting information related to him either so I was hesitant to include him in the post.

Jen D. @ Not Now...I'm Reading! said...
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