Thursday, July 1, 2010

Upcoming events, reminders and a holiday

Hi all! As we head into a long weekend I thought I'd take a moment to remind readers about our upcoming book club event.

July 5 and 6th: Discussion days for Dead in the Family!! Now is not the time to lurk- we want to hear from you! Comments are so important to blog and I appreciate every single one. After all, this book club cannot exist without you. So bust out your book and let's talk. I'll have a couple of discussion posts ready to go on chat day, but we can talk about any parts of the book that you'd like...favorite characters, a plot line that's bugging you, hopes for future books, cover name it, we can talk about it.

July 8th: Last day to enter the Chloe Neill giveaway for a copy of Twice Bitten and some swag! All you have to do is leave a comment explaining what part of the vampire mythology that you like most...or least.

Holiday notes:

That's all for now. I'm talking the weekend to catch up on reading, maybe write a couple reviews, and visit with 2 groups of family members staying at my house. I'm guessing that I'll be doing quite a bit of cooking and cleaning over this holiday weekend too. But it's always worth it in the end- fireworks always bring memories that you'll keep forever.

I remember being a kid and going to the ballpark to watch fireworks from the back of my parents Blazer. Two years in a row the surrounding brush caught fire- it's always dry in Phoenix- and my Dad was jumping around like a hat dancer putting out flames with our picnic blanket. Good times:)

I also remember going to this club with some family friends and all us kids would swim all day, play games, eat tons of fabulous food and watch fireworks that did not start a fire. Those years were great because we got the chance to hang out with friends that we didn't always get to see.

Being a military wife I've been afforded the opportunity to live in some brilliant locations and I will never forget being with my husband and kids, watching the fireworks shoot over the Pacific when we lived in Hawaii. Plus that was the first place we ever lived that had legal fireworks and late that night our neighborhood was a wonder of explosions and sparkles. After the party we could sit on our lanai, enjoy the island breeze and listen to the locals play ukulele and dance hula. So beautiful and relaxing- nothing like it.

This year we are stationed in DC so we'll be watching fireworks explode over our Nation's Capital. Should be fun and exciting- our plan is to pretty much camp out on the field by Iwo Jima starting early in the morning to get our place. Luckily we can be on-base and won't have to deal with as much traffic and headaches involved with the 4th of July. *knock on wood*

However you choose to celebrate (or not) safe, be happy, and have fun with family and/or friends!
I'd love to hear how and where you're celebrating- leave a comment.


Jen D. @ Not Now...I'm Reading! said...

Looking forward to the DITF chat. Should be fun. =)

I'll probably have a low key weekend. Maybe light some fireworks for my little sisters and some BBQing.

Carrie said...

I remeber it well. This year due to high fire dangers my town is not having fireworks but me and the kids are making holiday themed food and BBQ. Hope everyone has a good and safe 4th.