Monday, May 16, 2011

Forever vampire book discussion

Welcome back to the Bite Club Book Club!! 

Okay, now that everybody has read the book it's time to grab a spot on our cozy couch so we can all talk about our favorite parts! I have put together a few discussion topics, but as usual, we can talk about anything and everything pertaining to Forever Vampire.  

Discussion Topic #1:

Lyric and Vail are two very different people with dynamic personalities and some pretty intense family issues. Vail has grown up believing that his parents did not want him and Lyric has a mother that wants her too much, even if it isn't for the best reason. Vail has a serious addiction that he continues to deny, and he works hard at thumbing his nose at anyone and everyone. His tough attitude is a disguise that he wears so that people can't see his true emotions. Lyric is a vibrant, intelligent, beautiful woman that struggles with her obligations to her family and her need to be free. However, it is her compassion and ability to care that makes her the person she is. On the surface they might not seem like the perfect couple but it only takes a few chapters to realize that these two were made for each other. They are yin and yang. Lyric is steady and she balances out Vail's larger than life persona. Vail helps Lyric embrace her inner diva while she helps him embrace his true vampire nature. Both teach each other about communication, honesty and love. I enjoyed these two more than I thought I would!

What about you? What do you think about Vail and Lyric? Good couple? 

Discussion Topic #2:

Vail isn't exactly your typical romantic hero. He's an addict. I wondered right from the start what it was about his heritage that made him so prone to addiction because it involved so much more than just ichor. One early chapter mentions his sensory addiction to touch~ metal buttons, cool marble, velvety satin~ Vail wants to runs his fingers through it all. Such things might not harm him in any tangible way but they can provide some insight into his personality. However, it is his addiction to ichor that really proves dangerous. His normally strong mind was reduced to the dust he inhaled and the ichor he ingested.

Why do you think Vail continued to deny his addiction, and his inner vampire, once he was banished? How did his daddy issues play into the addiction? Why do you think he allowed Lyric to help him overcome his problem? 

Discussion Topic #3:

All the books that fit in the Beautiful Creatures world are filled with a rich and creative lore and I thought we might take a moment to talk about some of our favorite bits from Forever Vampire

*When a mortal wanted to see a faery they smeared an herbal ointment around their eyes.

*Vampires do not see their reflection, but it goes beyond the traditional lore and explains it more like the invisible man, with bodyless clothing. 

*Himself is the devil and no vampire ever invoked is name 3 times unless they wanted to deal with Hell.

*Wild roses, when planted by a witch, were excellent vampire deterrents.

What were some of your favorite pieces of lore from this book?

 Discussion Topic #4:

Now let's move on to our favorite scenes! I can't tell you the page number of this passage because I was reading on my Kindle and the book was chosen before the page number conversion happened, but the location is 2995-3002. I like this scene because of the simplicity~ the emotions are primal and raw. Real and beautiful.

A fierce gentleness held her captive. At her neck he mastered her. At her breast he teased and tasted her. At her lips, he now kissed her, the taste of her blood on his tongue. She devoured his need, his urgent want and desire. It was all she desired.

What scenes did you like best? Or even worst?

I hope you enjoyed Forever Vampire as much as I did. Vail surprised me in a totally good way and once again, the Beautiful Creatures impressed and entertained. Stop by later in the week when I showcase Beautiful Creatures and Club Scarlet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, I was wondering if this information on vampire repellant is true.