Friday, October 28, 2011

Review: Blood Eternal by Marie Treanor

Secrets don't disappear after seduction...

Elizabeth Silk is struggling to reconcile her passion for the vampire overlord Saloman and her allegiance to the vampire hunters. When a shocking vampire revolt calls Saloman away from her, she refuses to follow him.

To make matters worse, Saloman’s beloved cousin Luk has been
found and awakened by one of his greatest enemies. Frenzied
with bloodlust, Luk embarks on a killing spree and prepares to
expose Saloman’s biggest vulnerability: Elizabeth.
But under Saloman’s regime, vampires have become less concerned with secrecy, no longer willing to hide their power. Rumors are swirling
about attacks on humans. After Saloman joins forces with the vampire hunters to consolidate his power, Elizabeth begins to understand her role in the inevitable collision of the two worlds. She could bring resolution between vampires and humans—if she can manage to stay alive long enough to play both sides….


This was such an interesting character driven book and I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to meet Elizabeth Silk and Saloman. I hadn't read the other books in the series (yet) so at first I didn't quite understand the depth of their feelings and I thought their relationship strange. My initial impression of Saloman was that he was a rude, brutish vampire, but that falls away as you continue to read the book. His behavior is fitting for one so old, ancient really, and he struggles with the concept of love just like the rest of us. By the end of this book I was smitten with him myself.

Elizabeth is a complex woman that is constantly put in the middle of two worlds- hunters vs. vampires- with one vampire in particular causing her to question herself and her role in the grand scheme. She never easily fits in one place and no decision is black and white, but varying shades of gray, only her choices effect those closest to her. She is a valuable resource to both sides, whether they know it or not, because she can see past the stereotypes and acts based on what really is, not what's perceived to be. Her entire life is complicated and I really liked her, but just like with Saloman it takes time. 

The story between hunters and vampires is involved and probably more emotionally complicated than the characters themselves, especially because of Luk. I liked how that aspect of the story played out and the action/suspense was well written. Overall, I'd rate this book a solid 4 out of 5, and I would definitely read this author again.


Other books in the series:

Blood Eternal

1 comment:

Marie Treanor said...

Anna, thanks so much for this wonderful review! I'm really glad you got so much out of BLOOD ETERNAL, especially when you hadn't read the first two in the series. Good to know :). Many thanks!
